Kleefeld Evangelical
Mennonite Church
Jesus Focused - Community Minded
25121 Road 35N - Kleefeld, Manitoba - Ph: 204-377-4773
Being Together
To begin 2024 we took the time to grasp the significance of the Christian Community that gathers in the name of Jesus.
Acts 2:42-47 speaks of this gathering church and the different aspects of their gathering. This has influenced our focus this year and we hope to grow in our awareness and ability to be the church together in Kleefeld.
A Church that…
Gathers Together
Prays Together
Gives Together
Worships Together
While each one of us can each practice these on our own, the believers gathered together is clear example in scripture and continues to be one of the ways we can shape, encourage, and love one another as we seek to follow Jesus in community.
- Pastor Greg Klassen
​You must register for the following programs: ​
Sunday School for all ages - Sundays @ 9:30 AM
LINK for Grades 3-5 - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Jr. Youth for Grades 6-8 - Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
Sr. Youth for Grades 9-12 - Thursdays @ 7:15 PM
Programming 2024-2025