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The Prodigal God | Timothy Keller | DVD & Book with study guide

Keller takes his trademark intellectual approach to understanding Christianity and uses the parable of the prodigal son to reveal an unexpected message of hope and salvation. Within that parable Jesus reveals God's prodigal grace toward both the irreligious and the moralistic. This book will challenge both the devout and skeptics to see Christianity in a whole new way.


Vanishing Grace | Phillip Yancey | Book with study guide

“Why does the church stir up such negative feelings?” Philip Yancey has been asking this all his life as a journalist. His perennial question is more relevant now than ever: in a twenty-year span starting in the mid-nineties, research shows that favorable opinions of Christianity have plummeted drastically—and opinions of Evangelicals have taken even deeper dives. The end of the politics-oriented Evangelicalism that was so dominant in the second half of the 20th century is a strong example that we are living in a post-Christian culture.


Crazy Love | Francis Chan | DVD & book with study guide 

God is love.  Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love.  Have you ever wondered if we're missing it? It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts—it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.


The Case For Faith | Lee Strobel | DVD & book with study guide

In The Case for Faith, Strobel turns his tenacious investigative skills to the most persistent emotional objections to belief--the eight "heart" barriers to faith. The Case for Faith is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with formidable intellectual barriers standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends.


Not a Fan | Kyle Kdleman | DVD & leader's guide (book available)

Twenty times in the New Testament, Jesus Christ issued a compelling and challenging invitation: "Follow Me." Jesus is not interested in mere fans. He doesn't want enthusiastic admirers. He wants completely committed followers. Built around the engaging approach of Kyle Idleman, Teaching Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY, this one of a kind small group study examines what it means to deny one's self and truly follow Jesus. This is not a conventional small group experience. It is a cinematic journey, a series of six mini-movies, with the perspective and depth to help shape today's believer into a first century Christ-follower.


Because of Bethlehem & He Chose the Nails | Max Lucado | DVD  & separate study guides (books available)

In Because of Bethlehem, a four-session video Bible study, Max Lucado explores how the One who made everything chose to make himself nothing and come into our world. Jesus’ birth gives us the promise that God is always near us, always for us, and always within us—and that we no longer need to have marks on our record. In He Chose the Nails, a five-session video Bible study, Max continues by examining the gifts that Christ gave at his crucifixion. These include not only the gift of the cross, but also the gift of the thorns, the nails, and the empty tomb. The cross is rich with God’s gifts of grace, and as we unwrap them, we will hear him whisper, “I did it just for you.”


Gods at war | Kyle Kdleman | DVD & leader's guide (book available)

While there are many gods at war for our hearts, this study focuses on four in particular: the gods of love, money, pleasure, and power. In a new twist to the cinematic style City on Hill video studies have become known for, this series is filmed in a docudrama style—and features real people telling real stories. These stories are compelling, and in them everyone will see some reflection of themselves, and recognize the true battle that lies at the heart of all of our sin struggles. These stories also point the way to victory, as we see the kind of life-transforming power that Christ is ready to pour out in our lives as well. As a result, seekers, non-Christians and life-long Christians alike will all be moved to grow their relationship with Christ.


I am n | Voice of the Martyrs | DVD & study guide (book available)

Each 15-minute video includes interviews with persecuted Christians as well as commentary and teaching by leaders from The Voice of the Martyrs and other leading missions organizations. As you explore the six themes of sacrifice, courage, joy, perseverance, forgiveness and faithfulness, you will be inspired to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ and witness with boldness and joy to your friends, family and co-workers.


Lord teach me to pray in 28 days | Kay Arthur | Scripture Topical Study Guide

Provides intensely practical insights about how to pray, what to pray, and what to expect. Other books offer tips on enhancing your prayer life but leave you adrift when it comes to actually praying. This look at biblical prayer is refreshingly simple and exceedingly powerful—and it can transform the way anyone lives and prays.


Truth Unlocked - Keys to reaching you Muslin Neighbour | Wagdi Iskander | DVD & testimonies

Six Session video series that is designed to help the average person in the pew learn how to reach out to, understand and love the Muslim people that they meet in their community.  Also includes a video of testimonies of former Muslims who teach some of the sessions.


*We have many scripture study guides for books of the bible or topical studies available in our library. If you need help in locating any of these studies or need assistance in finding materials for your group, please contact Kathy Friesen or Wendy Froese.


Safely Home | Randy Alcorn | Fiction
"Even if you are not a fiction reader, this is the one novel you should pick up and read! Not only is it an eye-opening look into the life of persecuted Christians in China, it also forces the reader to look at life and suffering in the light of eternity. From life in corporate America to life in the unregistered churches in China, it is a story of hope and transformation in the face of great suffering. It challenges you to consider how your outlook would change if you were to wake up every day with this question on your mind, as Li Quan did: "Is this the day I die?"  Thought provoking and challenging, the words of this book will stay with you for a long time, asking you whether you are prepared to suffer and die for your faith and reminding you to live with an eternal perspective."

Path of Thorns: Soviet Mennonite Life Under Communist and Nazi Rule | Jacob J. Neufeld, Harvey L. Dyck (Editor), Sarah Dyck (Editor) | Non-Fiction
For those interested in the history of Mennonites who stayed in the Soviet Union rather then emigrating to North or South America in the late 1800's or early 1900's, this memoir by Jacob J. Neufeld is a great read. The facts are not related as dry history but are brought to life through the experiences of Neufeld and the members of his community. It is a reminder of God's faithfulness to those who seek Him even in the worst circumstances.

The Meaning of Marriage | Timothy Keller
A good read for those who are preparing for marriage, as well as for those who have been married for many years.  Keller offers a biblical approach to show God’s design for marriage brings us closer to Him and to each other in the covenant of marriage. 
In the Name of Jesus | Henri Nouwen
A great short book on what it means to be called to leadership that reflects Jesus.  Where the world focusing on the requirements of power and status for leadership, Jesus points us to the leadership qualities of humility and service.  Reflecting on his own movement from a professor at Harvard to working with the physical and mentally disabled at L’Arche, Nouwen shows us the path of discipleship and leadership is not an upward journey of recognition and power but one of service to others.
The Rest of God | Mark Buchanan
In this book Buchanan calls us back to Sabbath living.  We have many demands on our time and energy and we often feel overwhelmed.  It is necessary for us to have times of quiet and rest so that we are able to connect with God and to live a full and free life.  It is through the act of stillness that we can truly come to know God.  Sabbath is a gift God has given us not just to rest, but to learn to rest in Him.
Changes that Heal | Dr. Henry Cloud
Some down to earth insights to help people to heal and grow in faith and relationships.  Through his strong faith and keen understanding of human nature, Dr. Cloud presents a very readable program of healing growth.  Readers will consider ways to help them connect more deeply with others, develop a healthy independence, understand themselves better and grow emotionally and spiritually.

Good Reads

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